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What types of treatment are available?
Dietary therapy
Nutritional information
|Herbal medicine
Qi Gong (energy work)
Physical training

Which treatment is best for you? Treatments are determined after your situation has been reviewed all the facts are considered. At this point Dr. Morezewich will discuss which options may be the best for you.

What is Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)? TCM is a coherent and independent system of thought and practice that has a history of more than four thousand years. Health is viewed as a state of balance and harmony within the body, mind and spirit. TCM views the human body as an integral whole and believes that imbalances in the body are caused by internal, external, emotional or psychological factors. These factors are the roots of dysfunction, illness or disease. TCM works in concert with your body to restore balance. This is accomplished by first diagnosing the problem and then focusing on the underlying cause of the illness or disease. Treatments may include acupuncture, acupressure, herbal medicine, cupping, moxibustion, dietary modification, or movement therapy.

What does Traditional Chinese Medicine have to offer? TCM offers a complete diagnostic system, which searches for patterns of disharmony occurring within the body. A diagnosis is made by analyzing signs and symptoms provided by the body as well as a detailed health and physical assessment. The physical assessment is based on diagnosis of the tongue, pulse, eye, ear, hair, skin, complexion, muscle tone and gait. Also assessed is the function or the circulatory, respiratory, digestive, nervous and urinary system. Detailed questions cover a wide range of topics including diet, physical and emotional health as well as a complete medical history. Following diagnosis a treatment plan is constructed to help the client work toward his or her desired goals.

A Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine is trained to recognize the initial stage of disease, often long before the patient is aware of the underlying condition.
The concern of the physician is not only with treating the illness if one is present but also in helping treat the body so that the body plays a role in recovery. The goal of every physician is to ideally prevent the onset of illness. A proper diet, exercise, herbal medicine, massage and acupuncture can be used to help keep the body in balance.

Can Traditional Medicine be combined with Western Medicine and drug therapy? Yes. Traditional Medicine encompassing diet, exercise, herbal medicine, massage and acupuncture are all possible companion to Western Medicine. These treatments could be used with drug therapy or they can help eliminate dependence on medications. Each individual’s situation is different and should be treated as such. 

Chinese Herbal Medicine uses pharmacologically active plants and minerals to aid in the bodies own ability to correct or reverse symptoms or dysfunction. Herbs have a long clinical history of use and are used to treat the individual and their body. As the body begins to function normally the body reverses or corrects the problem this is the means by which the symptoms are relieved. Taking the time to diagnosis the problem is essential in the process of healing.

Acupuncture is the insertion of fine sterilized and disposable needles into specific points on the body to stimulate and balance the body’s energy to restore or enhance normal body functioning. The acupuncture points are found on meridians that have been used successfully in clinical practice for well over two thousand years.
Please keep in mind that you and your body are essential to any recovery. Acupuncture helps to stimulate your body’s own natural and innate healing process. 

Do you have to believe in acupuncture for it to work? No. Your belief in acupuncture is not necessary. A positive mental attitude toward wellness may help reinforce treatments and life in general but a neutral or negative attitude will not block the effects of acupuncture.

Is acupuncture painful to receive? The sensations people feel vary with each individual. Tingling and a mild or heavy sensation are most often noted. People can also feel relaxed or refreshed during or after treatment others feel invigorated.

How does acupuncture work?
Keep in mind that your body fixes itself acupuncture points are used to stimulate the body’s own healing process. Any success a client has is based on their body’s own ability to respond to the treatment being given.

An acupuncture treatment attempts to reinitiate or restore the flow of energy in the person being treated and there by returns the body to normal functioning. Success lies in the client and their body’s ability to respond and regulate the flow of energy.

The ability of your body to respond is why it is essential for your doctor to consider your complete health situation.

How many treatments will be required to recover?
The number of treatments can only be stated if the person knows your case and situation. The number of treatments will vary depending on the condition or situation diagnosed. Acute conditions may require daily treatments. All chronic diseases may need weekly or bi-weekly treatments. Relief may be immediate or occur within a few hours, or even after a few days. In some cases several sessions may be required before improvement is noticed. The effects of a treatment may last hours, days or may be permanent it all depends on the client’s situation and the functioning of their body.

How long are the consultations and treatments? An initial consultation can take from thirty to one and one half hours in length. Follow-up consultations are typically not longer that fifteen minutes but even this time may vary depending on the amount of information being covered. The duration of acupuncture and acupressure treatments usually last between fifteen to sixty minutes depending on the procedure and the client situation.

Is there any special advice to follow before an acupuncture treatment? Patients are advised not to fast or to have unusually large meals before or after treatments or, for that matter, not to be overly hungry before treatments. It is best to avoid alcohol, sedatives and strenuous exercise for four hour prior to treatments. It is also ideal that you have a good night sleep before you receive an acupuncture treatment.

What can Traditional Chinese Medicine do for me?

Remember Traditional Chinese Medicine is a complete system of medicine. It is a variable system of medicine that is designed to diagnosis imbalance within your body at the earliest of stages. It is also worth mentioning that because it is a complete system of medicine treatment plans can and will be tailored to your unique situation and will be designed to help return your body in to balance.
Dr. Glenn Morezewich, DTCM Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine
email: TalkToMe@DrGlenn.com